Films my Spouse Made Me Watch is a chronicle of the exploits of a left-of-average married couple who force their film tastes upon one another with gleeful malevolence. BE WARNED!! These are not film reviews, rather, they are film discussions recklessly littered with spoilers. Do not read unless you have already seen the films within, or don't give a flying fig about having it spoiled.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Haeckel's Tale: A Discussion by Chelle

FMSMMW? Wow, that’s long and looks a little silly; but not as silly as this movie. Like Rob said it starts out promising. A dark mysterious night, the promise of a chilling morality tale, romantic Shelley-like ambiance… and then yeah, it totally turned into dook. I haven’t read Clive’s story, but I’m absolutely positive this film doesn’t do it any justice. I think the film was just an excuse to get the actress naked and grind with zombies. She was exceedingly lovely to look at (perky-little- well-shaped breasts). It was the baby that sent me into hysterics. It was like the Dead Alive baby, only not nearly as cute and charismatic. The baby biting out Haeckle’s throat would have been a sufficiently dumb ending, but it had to drag out a little longer with zombies pawing lustily at an old lady while she attends her undead, ageless spawn and the chump she told her tale to runs screaming from the house. The only way the ending could have gotten more ridiculous would be if suddenly a giant cartoon head popped up, gulped the house down with unhinged jaws and then slowly sank out of frame while the Python’s end credits theme played. Yes Rob, it was exquisitely stupid.

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