Films my Spouse Made Me Watch is a chronicle of the exploits of a left-of-average married couple who force their film tastes upon one another with gleeful malevolence. BE WARNED!! These are not film reviews, rather, they are film discussions recklessly littered with spoilers. Do not read unless you have already seen the films within, or don't give a flying fig about having it spoiled.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I just Blogged up a huge Conglomerate.

It's official.  I'm now a blogger.  Despite thinking the term sounds like a wad of mucus, I'm quite excited about the prospect. For this inaugural post, let me explain the concept behind this loogie blog.  My wife and I have differing, yet oddly compatible taste in movies, and are constantly watching movies separately, then spending months and years telling each other we really ought to see this or that movie. This blog is an excuse to make each other watch those movies, and to get us writing on a regular basis.

The format of the blog will go something like this: the one inflicting the film upon the other will post a pre-game preview, explaining why that particular film was chosen, and what our expectations are regarding the other half's reaction to the film.  Next, the inflictee will view said film and post their reaction.  From there, a back and forth volley may ensue, or not, depending on how much we have to say.  You may also post comments, but heed the warning: Do Not Be an Asshole.  Assholes' comments will be stricken from the record and the offender shall be cursed with genital warts.  Believe dat.

We've even been considering adding a podcast discussion in the future, but we've got to figure out this whole blogging thing first. You'll have to be patient with the layout, etc.  There's a bit of a learning curve for us.

So there it is.  Welcome, and we'll get better at this soon.  We promise.