Films my Spouse Made Me Watch is a chronicle of the exploits of a left-of-average married couple who force their film tastes upon one another with gleeful malevolence. BE WARNED!! These are not film reviews, rather, they are film discussions recklessly littered with spoilers. Do not read unless you have already seen the films within, or don't give a flying fig about having it spoiled.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sleepless Town: Preview by Chelle

Who's heard of Takeshi Kaneshiro?  If you have, I really don't need to explain why I like this flick.  Takeshi is extremely compelling.  He is hands down the most beautiful mortal walking the earth, but in addition to that he is a marvalous actor.  His filmography is vast, going way back to like 1990 (which is even before Rob and I were dating).  I'd watch anything Takeshi was in, but because all of his films are foreign (expect Too Tired to Die) they're hard to come by.  Finding one is like finding a rare gem in your backyard.  I had searched for this particular film in online stores to no avail.  And then one day last year I'm at Hastings browsing a sale rack and lo, there it is - for $2.99!  I almost skipped to the register.  Why do I want Rob to watch it?  It has that gritty feel that he's usually in to.  It's a Japanese ganster flick with lots of betrayal and power swapping.  How did I convince him to watch it?  I told him there are lots of titties in it.

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